Photo of Randy Burden

Hi, I'm Randy Burden

Software Development Leader

Open Source

Below is a list of some of the open-source software projects I've created and contributed to.
Visit my GitHub profile to see more.


Slapper.AutoMapper is a .NET library that maps dynamic data to static types and can populate complex nested child objects.


Nano is a .NET cross-platform micro web framework for rapidly building web-based HTTP services and websites. It can run self-hosted or within an ASP.NET website.


Sequelocity is a .NET micro-ORM data access library providing lightweight ADO.NET wrapper, object mapper, and helper functions with support for MS SQL Server, MySql, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.

About me

Hi, my name is Randy Burden and I live in the Dallas, Texas area with my beautiful wife and children. By trade, I am a software developer and have successfully served as a technical leader on numerous teams and projects. I pride myself in being honest and transparent, always making time for others, and strive to lead by example.

I am passionate about software development and enjoy all the challenges and rewards that come with each project I participate in. I greatly enjoy learning new concepts, methodologies, best practices, and technologies. I am an avid podcast listener and can't get enough of learning new things.

I am usually always busy but I try hard to make time for my hobbies which include learning more about Jesus, playing guitar, programming, discovering new music, listening to podcasts, watching TV, hiking, and some casual gaming.